Monday, November 25, 2019

Time for fun.

A new week, a new post.

As we move towards the shortest day of the year, it just keeps getting darker and darker, so I thought it was time to brighten your week with some humor.

This time it's exclusively Saturday Night Live sketches. Did you know that SNL started in October 1975, and that they are currently in their 45th season? Or that films like The Blues Brothers and Wayne's World started as SNL sketches? Or that the very first guest host was George Carlin?

But that's enough trivia, on with their show! Like last time I'm not embedding the videos, if I did you would still be scrolling sometimes next year.

There we go, ten excellent sketches. Join me again next time and until then, have a fun week!

Monday, November 18, 2019

From the mists of time

Gather around and let me tell you a tale from gaming yore!

I am old enough to remember what gaming used to be like. You went to the store and chose your game from the shelf. The games came in big cardboard boxes and included manuals.

Maybe you read an article in a gaming magazine, maybe you went on faith and box art alone, but you had to make a choice and if you chose poorly, well you didn't age into a skeleton, but you wasted your money.
Then you installed the game from disks. You know, the save icon... Disks! In the case of Doom 2 it was five disks! (Imagine I'm holding a flashlight under my face here).

One day the disks were replaced by CD-ROM and it was easier. As an aside, is there a more 90's word than CD-ROM? I don't think so. Anyway, Phantasmagoria came on 5 CD-ROM’s, and that blew my mind.

The CD gave way to DVD and now, we magically turn invisible signals that flow through the air into a game that we can play.

Back in those days of floppy disks, the game had to be complete, there was no way to fix it later. A broken game was a broken game forever. With the advent of the Internet, a studio could patch a game after release, but you had to find it and figure out how to get the patch to work, which could be a complete pain in the you-know-what.

Back in them there ancient days, an add-on to a game was called an expansion. But in 2006 Bethesda invented Horse Armor and sold it separately from the expansions as DLC! (The flashlight is back).

Horse armor was widely scorned as ridiculous but enough people must have bought it as the idea stayed on. And why not? Small extras that were too insignificant to be called expansions that you could buy if they appealed to you. Not so bad, right?

But then... then the gray men and women in their gray suits saw the possibilities and things changed forever. Suddenly games were released unfinished, broken even, only to “be fixed later”. Day one patches that desperately tried to fix buggy messes became the norm. Sometimes the patch was bigger than the game, even.
DLC grew from a small add-on to full expansions and the very word: expansion vanished from the gaming thesaurus. In some extreme cases, the DLC was announced before anyone really knew what the game was about, though this was rare.

Many were worried, but the darkness only grew. Content was cut out of games and sold as day one DLC, games wasted away unfinished until the developer gave up. Content was cut and sold as pre-order bonuses. The gray suits smiled, rubbed their hands and invented Live Services. Now a game could be stretched out and monetized forever! Cruel demons with names like Micro-transactions, Loot-boxes and Gambling-mechanics arrived and danced across the gaming sphere, spreading ill will and problems where ever they went.

A few plucky heroes fought back, but the tide of darkness seemed unstoppable. Then, a miracle:

Electronic Arts (EA) announces and releases Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, and it is:
  1. A single player game.
  2. Feature complete.
  3. Apparently really good!

Now don't go thinking that EA has suddenly become the good guys, but in all fairness, Fallen Order seems like a cool game. I'm as surprised as you are. I haven't played it myself, but apart from a couple of small issues of personal taste, I can find no fault with it.

That was my somewhat roundabout way of saying that Fallen Order seems cool and not to discard it just because it is EA. Just don't let them use this game as a smoke screen for more unethical nonsense.

That's it for this time, so until next we meet, have a great week!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Documentary time!

Hey you,

Since I got absolutely no sleep last night it's, as the title says, documentary time. You took the time to come here, so here are three documentaries for your trouble.

I hope they are good, I haven't actually watched them, to be honest, but at a glance they seem cool.

Deadliest Volcanoes:

Ancient Inventions:

Henry V:

If you get through them, here is The Infographics channel for more knowledge:

Join me again next time, when my brain is hopefully more functional. Until then have a great week!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Blizzard apology and more

Well, the AAA game world keeps on keeping on.

First up, EA is returning to Steam. Starting with Jedi the Fallen Order, they will slowly expand their catalog on Steam. There has been speculation whether you will still need an EA Origins account to play their games there, and the jury is still out, but the best guess is that it will vary from game to game.

Leaks suggest that Bethesda has made good money on Fallout 1st and are now looking to expand their vile service even further. New items on the Atom shop for subscribers only, new gear (though no info on what is meant by that), and so on. I wouldn't be surprised if they hide the Wastelander's expansion behind F1st, or at least some important part of it.
A sad state of affairs for a once beloved company. To go from designing games that top the lists to putting up paywalls behind paywalls in a desperate effort to monetize just a couple of bucks more is rank. I once held great faith in their future games, but now it has gone from “Must Have” to “Wait and See”. I do not trust this company or anything they say anymore.

Blizzcon 2019 was this past weekend and there have been some interesting developments. Games wise, they did announce Diablo IV with a truly amazing cinematic. No joke, it was super cool. Too bad the game itself doesn't even have a release date yet, it's that far away. After last years scandalous “Don't you guys have phones” fiasco, they did have to out up something and they did.
World of Warcraft gets a new expansion, Shadowlands, all as expected. It had a cool cinematic too, but nowhere near as good as Diablo.
There was some other announcements, but I really didn't pay those any mind. What was interesting was the opening speech by CEO J. Allen Brack.

He started by looking sad and referring to the Blitzchung scandal, but without actually mentioning either Blitzchung, NetEase or China. He then went on about missed opportunities and failing to live up to standards and apologizing for reacting too fast and then being to slow to respond to people. This is pretty much a non-apology. Like being accused of stealing your neighbor’s lawnmower and then saying “Your lawn looks awful and for that, I'm sorry.” Way to dodge the point there J.

Yesterday, PC Gamers Steven Messner interviewed Brack by phone. It's an interesting read, but for me the biggest takeaway is that he confirms that the “defending the pride of China” comment came from NetEase, with no involvement or approval from Blizzard. Seems they can't do anything in China without going through a Chinese partner. In other words, Blizzard is in business with a company that can say and do whatever they want with no input from Blizzard in their name. Must be lucrative to make that worth it.
Check it out if you're interested:

That's it for me this time. See you again next Monday and until then, have a great week!